Isle of Wight Local Records Centre

Defining a data search


Isle of Wight Local Records Centre is committed to saving paper by providing all data by e-mail wherever possible and is working to ensure that the file size is not a constraint. Data will be sent as PDF documents and species lists and accompanying information will be sent as Word, Excel or PDF documents.  If necessary, however, IWLRC can supply data by post - please indicate your preference on the form.

Search area

A search can be made for any area specified either as:

Information requested

IWLRC can provide details of the following within the search area:

Statutory and Non-Statutory Sites

GIS maps can be provided showing the boundaries of statutory and non-statutory sites within the area of search. Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) within the search area will also be listed in a summary table containing the SINC name, area and details of the relevant SINC criteria.

For further information on statutory sites (e.g. SACs, SPAs, Ramsar sites and SSSIs) contact Natural England.

Site boundary and citation information can also be downloaded from Natural England.

Protected and Notable Species

List of species within the area of the search that are legally protected or otherwise notable within the Isle of Wight, including;

IW BAP species are rare or rapidly declining species which have locally viable native populations. They fall into the national criteria:

Species which are locally rare or threatened or have locally significant populations (LC) have also been included, as have flagship species considered as indicators of climate change. Some of these species require specialised habitat management to assist their survival or further survey to identify their distribution and ecological requirements.           
Species records will be listed by scientific name, and will include common names, grid references, dates of all recorded sightings, summary of any legal protection and principal conservation statuses.

Invasive species

List of invasive aquatic or terrestrial species.

Habitat Mapping

GIS maps showing the distribution of priority habitat types within a search area.

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