Go Wild on Wight

IWBOA: Southern Uplands

Southern Uplands

This map is based on Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100019229 2008.

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Opportunity area description

The high ground to the north of Ventnor and south west of Shanklin, extending as far north as the Appuldurcombe estate and including the coast from Ventnor to Shanklin Chine.

Joint Character Area/Landscape descriptive unit

Isle of Wight Joint Character Area: Chalk downs, The Undercliff, traditional enclosed pasture.

Landscape types

Rolling chalk downs with some heathland, sandstone hills and wooded slopes. Extensive holm oak woodland above Ventnor on the Undercliff.

Geology (bedrock)

Chalk overlying sandstones, which are exposed on the northern edges. Landslip.

Geology (superficial)

Clay with flints.  River gravels.

Topography (landform)

Steep south facing slopes.

Biodiversity ( BAP habitat, Designated sites UK BAP Species)

SSSIs : Rew Down, Ventnor Dows, Greatwood & Cliff Copses, Bonchurch Landslips

SINCs: Appuldurcombe Down, Rew Copse, Watcombe Bottom, Pitts Farm Down, Wroxall Copse, Ventnor Radio Station, St Martin’s Down, Hungerberry Copse, Lynch Copse, Luccombe Chine, Monk’s Bay, Bonchurch Undercliff

BAP habitat

UK BAP Species

Woodland bats; Early gentian; Adder; Red squirrel; Small blue; Grizzled skipper; Suite of soft cliff invertebrates including Chestnut click beetle and Glanville fritillary; White helleborine.


Open access over part of the area.

Targets – main opportunities

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